I did another half-marathon this weekend,
The Other Half in
Moab, Utah. I did this with my friend Tina and also Leslie (although Leslie is a rockstar and ran!). I convinced Tina ten weeks before the race to actually sign up. She hadn't been running or training, but I thought she could do it...and she did!
We drove down Saturday morning. This is the first time that Steve and I have driven down since having our kid, Monster. This is also the first time that we have driven down during the day (another story!) We honestly didn't realize what a short drive it was, just 4 hours. Whoodathunkit?
The drive was beautiful. I was really sad that we haven't done this more. Just more proof that the people who live an area don't always appreciate it. We stayed at the
Red Stone Inn. It's a great Motel on Main street close to everything. There is a winery and a brewery in town that we didn't visit this time but I would highly recommend it.
Tina arrived around 5:30 pm so we had about an hour to pick up our registration packets, have our spaghetti dinner (delicious!) and go to bed. Nighty-night!
6:00 am the alarm goes off...put on shirt...put on pants...answer text message...Leslie is go-getter and already there...why is it so early...and cold...how can 47 degrees in Moab feel so different than 47 degrees in Boise?
I walk to the hotel next door and got on a bus. Sit down and we get moving. The ladies behind me are talking a mile a minute. I'm not awake yet so I barely acknowledge the woman next to me. The bus keeps driving and driving. About half an hour in the lady behind me says "here's the finish line!". What? We've been driving FOREVER. "How much further?" I'm thinking-because it's so early I don't think "duh, 13.1 miles". The sun starts peeking over the park. My God it is glorious. I only had my iPhone so I couldn't get any pictures from the bus.
I get off the bus and it's colder than before! I might not make it. Why didn't I bring a drop bag? Why didn't I wear the long sleeve tech shirt they gave us? Too late now, just grab a coffee, (there is coffee at the Moab runs,
Angry Runner)mix it with hot chocolate, stand by one of the fire pits and look around for Leslie. When I can't find Leslie I decide to use the DJ to my advantage. I ask him to page Leslie. There she is 4 feet away from me. Yay! Hugs and more fun and freezing.
We get in line for the potty. Start to freak a little bit, how are we going to get this done walking? I didn't mention before that we were walking since I convinced Tina ten weeks before to do this and she hadn't been running. There is a 3 1/2 hour time limit. There is a sweeper van. OMG!! THERE IS A SWEEPER VAN!! I don't want to get swept up!
We start-we are running-Leslie is on her way! Go LCP! I'm crossing my fingers that she gets her best time yet. This is the third half we have done together. She was my inspiration at Riverton and Salt Lake so, GO GIRL!
We run past the Start line and slow to a 15 minute mile walk. This is how we are going to make it before the Sweeper Van. SWEEPER VAN!
It's beautiful. It's so freakin' beautiful. We are walking along the river and it's gorgeous. I get passed by Grandma. A GRANDMA! A fer-reals, 80 year old, curved spine grandma. She is kicking ass and taking names. I look at Tina and she looks at me. We pick it up. We are then passed by a woman about 35 to 40 and I tell Tina that's the woman we are going to keep up with-not Grandma because she's too fast.
There are aid stations at every two miles. It's great! They actually have water unlike the Salt Lake Marathon (I did the half there)
where they ran out of water. Repeat-RAN OUT OF WATER-I was running that one and at the 6 mile aid station (loosely stated there) they ran out of water. A kind woman was filling bottles with her filtered fridge water. Thanks, Kind Woman!
We stop at the 4 mile aid station for another potty break. We lose our advantage. Ack! We need to catch up to yellow shirt and Grandma. We get moving. A pregnant woman passes us. This really gets us going-also Dr Feelgood comes up on my shuffle. We kick it up and pass the pregnant woman, pass the group of four wearing all black, pass another person and now we are passing Grandma. Kick ass!
Grandma passes us.
Mile 6 I hand out Shot-blocks. It's starting to hurt. Mile 7 there is a guy and his son with a cow bell-Go us! Mile 7.5 there is a hill. If you've looked at the course the elevation gets serious at mile 7 and it doesn't stop. The beauty of the park keeps you going though.There's a woman with a bell who tells us that it's all "down river" from here. Get it! Down river and not down hill!
Mile 10 and Tina stops talking to me. I warned her ahead of time. I offer her a Shot-blok and keep going. Mile 12 and the drummers are in full force! Yay for drummers! Tina takes the last Shot-blok. I had warned her that she needed them when she really wanted to cry. No crying yet.
Mile 12 and the police come by and tell us to go single file so we don't get run over. They had opened the roads. Oh dear. Just have to make it. We can see the finish line! We can see it. I can't wait! We turn in, we are on our way. The people wearing all black run past us-Grandma's friends are waiting and start walking with her. We are doing this. It's taking forever! Final turn. Steve is there with Monster! He made it! We start running! Go! WE CROSS! (3:32:Something they took the overall down)So great...so great...I can't believe that we did it. I'm waiting for Tina to cry-no crying. The medal is great. Free beer is great. Seeing Leslie is great!
I forget how you can't do anything after this. I would love to talk to Leslie (2:43:04!)but I can't. Monster is making me push her up on a rock, Steve runs the 1.5 miles to the car and we head home. NAP.