Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Holy Freaking Cow!

For Reals: Sophia pooped on the potty out of the blue. I was caught off guard and forgot to make up a potty dance. In our excitement and sticker giving I also forgot to take a picture. ;)

I feel so close to the goal of NO DIAPERS that I am quivering in delight. Steve and I might make it through this economic downturn after all.


Young Family said...

YEAH!!!!! I'm so glad you joined us obsessive nerds! I'll love looking at all the pictures and congrats to Sophia! Just this morning Rea insisted on pooping her pants :( Potty training is for me.

bbartlett said...


I love the startings of your blog!!! You must keep it updated or Erin will have your head :) Have a good day!! Beth